coaching for individuals
MotionLAB Purpose
- ZIdentify professional purpose
- ZGain clarity and increase focus
- ZLook positively into the future
- ZFinding fulfillment and satisfaction in your job
- ZLearn to make decisions
- ZRealizing your true dreams
In MotionLAB Purpose you will discover what your true purpose is and what fulfills you in the everyday life. You will learn to believe in your vision in order to realize and experience it. You will recognize the limiting beliefs about yourself that have been holding you back from going for your dream. When you realize what has been holding you back, you can let it go and reach for the new vision.
Many pursue an activity that they chose because of external influences (parents, teachers, role models, etc.). Or it’s simply been chosen from various available options without asking yourself „What do I really want? What fulfills me? What does a job have to give me?“ In this coaching program, you will find YOUR answers.
The coaching program lasts:12 weeks
Program content
- Check-in Job Analysis
- „Wheel of Life and Purpose Session
- Higher Self Connection Session „Your Purpose
- Reality Session for your professional life (Analysis „You as an Observer“)
- Job and Pain Tracking Session
- Goal setting for the coaching session
- Coaching sessions and action calls
- Check-Out Coaching Session and „Wheel of Life
- Follow-Up Coaching Session
This is for you if you want…
- to find a new orientation.
- to change something about your job situation.
- to get a job that fulfills you.
- to take decisions.
- to have security and trust in yourself.
- to have the feeling it is time to go new ways.
Contact Karin for more info:
What will you learn?
Get clarity
Create clarity to replace confused thoughts
Goal Setting
Define directional
goals and steps
Identify your real needs
Identify what you really
want and need
Learn to shape and
take decisions with confidence and trust
Create a Vision for your occupation
Recognize and manifest your dream job
Building Confidence and trust
Learn to look confidently
into the future and
getting things done