
Improve your relationships through systemic constellations

coaching for individuals

MotionLAB Relationships

  • ZUnderstand conflicting relationships
  • ZFind peace in mind and heart
  • ZCreate order in your system & find your place
  • ZGain clarity about systemic dynamics
  • ZUnderstand and accept destinies
  • ZLet go of ballast from the past

A family constellation can bring clarity to relationship patterns and new insights into unconscious mechanisms wthing a family system. It is a wonderful way to create change in relationships, achieve success in your career, improve your financial situation, understand unexplained health symptoms, end self-sabotage, and achieve emotional well-being. Family Constellations are powerful work and an effective way to transform what has been holding you back, so you can live your life to the greatest potential.

The program is one session of:approx. 2 hours

Program content

  • Introduction and theory of family constellation
  • Explaining relationship dynamics
  • Constellation work with figures
  • Online individual session with camera

Contact Karin for more info:

This is for you if you want…

    • to address conflicts with your family or partnership.
    • to let go of stressful situations from the past.
    • to understand physical and psychological symptoms.
    • to have a meaningful way of dealing with emotions.
    • to release blockages.
    • to find your own place in your professional or private life.

    Profound and sustainable change

    happens inside of you 

    What will you learn?

    Recognize relationship dynamics

    Recognize and accept
    dynamics in your own system

    Emotional well-being

    Dissolve emotions that
    do not belong to you

    Create closeness & understanding 

    Learn about yourself
    and your relationships
    in order to create peace

    Finding new paths

    Release old patterns
    to find new paths

    Uncover Blind Spots

    Recognize previously disregarded dynamics and patterns

    Changing perspective

    Gain strength and power
    by changing perspective

    Ready to let go the past
    and improve your relationships?